Lethbridge Sport Council 2021 AGM Highlights
Thank you to everyone who attended our virtual Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, May 25. We had 36 attend, our highest attendance to date.
Here are a few highlights from the 2021 AGM:
- The City of Lethbridge was thanked for the extension of the New Initiative funding of $55,000 for 2020 to hire one additional staff. This funding first received in 2019 was extended to December 31, 2020. The Program and Communications Coordinator role continued as two new positions – Communications Manager and Program & Event Coordinator.
- The returning Board of Directors were thanked for their guidance and support: Chair Erin Low, Dave Sehn, Shaun Ward, Todd Caughlin, Neil Langevin, Gary Bowie, Chantelle Erickson, Chad Chief Moon, Levi Clampitt, and Mike Medhurst.
- We are pleased to welcome back two directors for a second 3-year term, Steve Dudas and Robert Baird and three new directors: Knud Petersen, Christopher Campbell, and Steve Perkins. The directors were elected based on their involvement in community sport and desire to advance the Lethbridge Sport Council objectives.
- Many thanks to our outgoing directors Don Gatto (2012-2020), Ryan Westerson (2016-2020), and Joshua Hoetmer (2016-2020).
- Hosting an election during a virtual Annual General Meeting is a test of our technology skills. The process was successfully (using Cognito forms) managed by Tanya Whipple, our in-house tech guru. Election scrutineers were Tanya Whipple, Shawn Daye-Finley, and Travis Grindle.
- The LSC bylaws were updated to reflect the need to be flexible in how we host meetings, virtually and or in-person.

Program and Service Highlights
- To continue to meet community needs through the pandemic, the Lethbridge Sport Council changed how we provided services (See Annual Report page 19). In-person events were cancelled, cancelled and pivoted, postponed, and new programs were developed all in response to the changing needs of our community.
- The Lethbridge Sport Council launched a newly designed easy-to-navigate website with two key audiences in mind – sport organizations and local families.
- The Roving Gyms indoor and outdoor programs proved to be a huge success for families with preschool age children, addressing physical, social, mental, and emotional well-being, with 55 sessions and 1,362 participants.
- The Lethbridge Sport Council began providing consultation under the new Member Support Services initiative. Services including but not limited to, Organization Planning, AGM Assistance, Support to From a Not-For-Profit, Media Relations, Award Nomination Writing Support, and Sport Event Bidding & Hosting Consultation and Support.
- COVID-19 Sport Survey results were shared with the greater Lethbridge community as well as provincially and nationally (See Annual Report page 18).
- During a year when sport was forced to close its doors, we wanted to shout from the rooftops that we value sport for its impact on individuals. Personal stories about local people were posted online over six campaigns (See Annual Report page 21 for a complete list; visit our website to read the stories https://lethbridgesportcouncil.ca/news).
Posted May 27, 2021