Lethbridge Oldtimers Sport Association

LSC Member

Lethbridge Oldtimers Sports Association (LOSA): Celebrating Over Four Decades

Established in 1975 during preparations for the 2nd Annual National Oldtimers Hockey Tournament, LOSA began with a vision of fostering a recreational league in Lethbridge. Founded by eight visionaries, including Les Colwill, Steve Arisman, and Bob Jacobson, the organization prioritized family, social events, and recreation.

Sponsorship from Lethbridge Brewery and Amalgamated Beverages, along with a strong Sportsplex partnership, propelled LOSA's success. All skill levels were welcome, with an emphasis on inclusivity and participation in numerous social events.

LOSA's early years featured fundraising efforts and international tournaments in Scotland and Switzerland, combining hockey with cultural experiences. In addition to local competitions, the organization faced off against the Flying Fathers in 1987 and 1990 in games hosted by the Lethbridge Community College.

Over time, LOSA expanded from six to eight teams, including night league, day league, and two 70+ teams, cementing its status as a thriving sports association.

Lethbridge Oldtimers Sport Association logo

Organization Contact Information

[email protected]

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