Lethbridge Horseshoe Club
LSC Member
Formed in the early 1970s, the Lethbridge Horseshoe Club was very successful. By 1978 they hosted the Alberta Horseshoe pitching championship at Indian Battle Park. There were 20 sets of pits and close to 200 players from around the province at that time. By the mid-1980s, the club moved from Indian Battle Park to Pavan Park on the north side of Lethbridge before the flood of 1995 wiped the pits out. Since the late 1990s, the Lethbridge Horseshoe Club has operated at its current location next to the Japanese Gardens.
We meet once a week starting the first Thursday of May each year at Henderson Lake Horseshoe Pitch and Picnic Area through to the end of September. Club members also have membership in the Alberta Horseshoe Pitchers Association and are authorized to play in tournaments at the provincial, federal and international levels.
Organization Contact Information
Primary Sport Facility
Henderson Lake Horseshoe Pitch and Picnic Area next to the Henderson Lake Swimming Pool
Mentions in LSC News
Lethbridge Regional Events for the 2022 Southern Alberta Summer Games