If in Doubt... Let Them Out
This article was first released on November 20, 2019 but might be more important now than it was then, with the mass closure and cancellations of programs and facilities.
“There are also unique benefits of being in the outdoors, particularly in nature. When children play the way they want outdoors they move more, sit less and play longer. They get their hands dirty and are exposed to microbes that help them build immunity. They make their own goals and figure out the steps to attain those goals. They learn, build resilience, develop social skills, and learn how to manage risks and keep safe. Their eyes get the exercise needed to combat short-sightedness.”

So how can your family spend time outdoors and still practice social distancing? If you don’t have a backyard, most neighborhoods have green spaces scattered throughout them (no play structure needed). Take a look at the City of Lethbridge maps of all the neighborhoods posted here:
You might even find a nearby green space you didn’t know was there! Now that you’ve found a space you can head out to spend time outdoors. You could simply play with a ball or Frisbee, or resurrect the classics like tag, hide and seek, hopscotch, kick the can, jump rope, or Simon says.
To learn more visit https://www.outdoorplaycanada.ca/2019/11/20/
Posted April 1, 2020