Sport For All

IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility) in sport.

Inclusive and Accessible Sport Programs

Sport for all Organizations

Why is active allyship important in sport?

Lethbridge Sport Council via Coaching Association of Canada

Active allyship is about addressing systemic change and using your voice for positive change. Within sport, active allyship is extremely important for addressing systemic racism within sport. Specifically, in sport informed/active allyship consists of using the privilege associated with being a non-racialized coach to advocate for and work toward supporting all racialized participants and coaches.

Sport for all Organizations

Understanding and improving equity, diversity and inclusion in sport

Lethbridge Sport Council via InMotion Network

The majority of EDI policies and practices focus on 'welcoming' those who have historically been excluded instead of attempting to address the structural causes of exclusion that stem from the interrelated factors related to settler colonialism, racism, sexism, ableism and capitalism.

People in Sport Publication

Why inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility within sport?